FILTR For Your Business

Protect your guests, staff and family from airborne bacteria, viruses and VOCs
Compliment your HVAC system with specific application. Unique mounting options available, to showcase the FILTR Revolution.

Most Air Purifiers Don’t Filter Nanoparticles Smaller than 0.3microns
+ Cleanroom Grade HEPA Filter
+ Filters down to 0.01micron
+ Long-lasting filter
+ Up to 700 cfm
+ Provides 5 air changes per hour in a room up to 1,000sqft.

Give your Sense of Smell a Break with
Clean Air
Our Carbon Filter features:
Removes smell and volatile organic compounds (V.O.C.)

A Safer Way to Sanitize your Space
Our Bi-Polar Ionizer features:
+ Mitigates airborne and surface particles
+ Produces no ozone
+ Agglomerate lighter particles to make them heavier to make a second pass through the filter
+ The perfect addition to your room reset or Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P)

Monitor and Control Your Air in the Palm of your Hand
With the app you can:
+ Control fan speed
+ Receive alerts for your Particle & V.O.C.
+ Review historical data
+ Temperature & Humidity data